Website Manager

South Western Youth Basketball


The purpose of this 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization is to ensure that all participants are provided with a safe environment full of fun, good sportsmanship, outstanding athletic instruction in the fundamentals of basketball South Western Youth Basketball is run entirely by volunteers who devote their time to promoting our youth basketball program.

The success of this program is a direct result of the time and effort put forth by many generous men and women over the course of several years. If you would like to get involved and donate your time and talents, please reach out to any member of the board. Like many organizations such as ours, without volunteers, this organization could not survive. Thank you for all your efforts!

Board Position Name Start End Email
President Tim Dietz 9/1/2022  4/1/2025 [email protected]
Vice PresidentTim Caudle4/9/20244/1/2027 
TreasureStephanie Hartlaub6/1/2023 6/1/2026 [email protected]
Secretary Kara McCormick 4/9/2024 4/9/2027
 Evaluation ChairTim Dietz   
 Competition ChairJoe Scholles   
 Bylaw and Treasurer ChairStephanie Hartlaub   
Coordinator Position
Website / Tech Stack Admin Tim Dietz   [email protected]
A-League Coordinator Tim Dietz
B-League Coordinator
C-League Coordinator Shari Smith [email protected]
Summer League Coordinator     
Skills & Coaching Coordinator  Joe Scholles   
School Communication Coordinator Tim Dietz
Activities Coordinator
Concession Coordinator
Equipment Coordinator   
Scheduling Coordinator Tim Dietz 8/1/22 [email protected]
Uniform Coordinator Brent Coulson [email protected]
High School Girls Varsity Coach Kevin Klunk [email protected]
High School Boys Varsity Coach Jay Hughes [email protected]

Field Status

Open Open

West Manheim (10:39 PM | 10/03/22)

Open Open

Gym 1 (10:39 PM | 10/03/22)

Open Open

Shared Gym (05:33 PM | 12/12/22)

Open Open

Manheim (10:46 PM | 10/03/22)

Open Open

Gym 1 (09:18 AM | 10/04/22)

Open Open

Shared Gym (05:33 PM | 12/12/22)

Open Open

Park Hills (10:46 PM | 10/03/22)

Open Open

Gym 1 (09:18 AM | 10/04/22)

Open Open

Shared Gym (05:33 PM | 12/12/22)

Open Open

Baresville (10:59 PM | 10/03/22)

Open Open

Gym 1 (09:18 AM | 10/04/22)

Open Open

Shared Gym (05:33 PM | 12/12/22)

Open Open

PICTURES (03:21 PM | 11/17/23)

Open Open

Grace Church (03:33 PM | 11/17/23)

Open Open

Field 1 (03:33 PM | 11/17/23)

Open Open

Gym 1 (03:34 PM | 11/17/23)